Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day Five...

Day Five was a half day at work and then a Celebratory Lunch as Site two finished off...(not finished off the house but finished working at that site...the group is now moving onto some highly crucial work...building septic tanks!)

Here's Day five pictures...

Some pre-day warm up with the Construction Supervisor...

Paul losing Pokeman cards to Michelle B...

Paul...that might be too many bricks? Oh no...I'm falling through the floor....ugh....good thing my arms caught....

Unfortunately, no one caught the fall on camera....but here is the view through the hole in the floor that Michelle P went through and almost fell through...15 feet...

Here's the Site One team....What a good looking crew!

Sheldon and Stephen playing Vietnamese frisbee....

These beautiful Vietnamese ladies came by our site to check things out......
(Is there any wonder why size XXL is too small for me here??)

Site Two Team....(Even better looking than site one!)

Michelle B and the Site Two Homeowners....

Celebration Lunch....

Did someone say Dog Soup?

Our Fearless Leaders showing us the way by trying the Rice Wine...


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