Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day Three...

Just when it seems like it can't get any hotter here...the sweat starts dripping off your nose..(and that's when you're standing in the shade!)

To tell you a little about a typical day here in Bien Hoa...

We're up for breakfast in the hotel at 7am, then hop on the bus at 7:30am. We drop off one team at their site and then the other...

Work goes until about 11:30am when all of the skilled workers leave for lunch...We then have lunch and aren't suppose to go back until the workers come back...Since they usually take about a two hour lunch, you'll see a lot of hammock pictures while we wait for them...

It's then back to work until about 4-4:30...(by that time, you are essentially covered in sweat and dirt and ready to pass out from heat exhaustion...)

Each night we then head out to a different Vietnamese restaurant...

Here's some highlights from today...

Michelle P and Paul V moving dirt...

Katrina moving rocks....

(I'm not sure if you noticed, but we spend a lot of time moving things from one spot to another...In Canada, we call that "Make work projects" lol )

Toshi trying to get some coconuts down...

Toshi showing off his coconuts....

Paul checking out Toshi's coconuts...

Katrina brick laying....

(although she's missing the hat and fag...)

Michelle P waiting out the long lunch....

This picture is just in case you thought Mich P just laid around in hammocks all day....

Did I mention that we wear nametags in case we get inspected?

The best part of any build is the kids!

I ended my day with a card game with the guys....And got my butt kicked. Then as I was leaving, they ran over to give me some cards...I think they think I need practice!

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